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About Us

Fit Club is not primarily about running, but it is a good start to boosting your overall fitness level. I first started running 5K's when I was 11. For several years, I only "trained" at soccer practice or by running more races. Gradual improvement only came from getting the feel for the distance. Serious training didn't begin until 8th grade when I joined the track team. I began to train regularly by practicing 5-6 days a week during the season. When I reached the high school level, I still only trained during the season. For my 9th and 10th grade year, I took summers off until around late July to early August. If you're looking for significant improvement in time, that is a terrible idea. You should train during the summer; and if you run track/cross country, your off-season as well after a couple weeks rest. I began to decrease my 5K time to below 18 minutes after this summer training program. Although I have been running for a while, I am still no expert at this activity/sport. This website is for beginners who wish to either start running 5K's or for those who wish to learn how to keep a consistent schedule for their running.

-Chance Walker


Getting fit does not have to be achieved in the gym. Traditional fitness is not for everyone. There are numerous local activites and businesses that offer anyone the chance to improve their health. The surrounding area offers several trails that allow for hiking, running/walking, and biking to everyone. These activities allow for the development of stronger cardio and a healthier lifestyle. However, engaging in these activites does not do the trick alone. A propper diet needs to accompany the activities. A proper diet is very important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right foods and in the right amounts will fuel your body and give you the energy to get through whatever you have planned for the day. Fit Club will help educate its participants in these activites and nutrition.

-Ryan Freeman

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